How food affects mood

How foods boost mood


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How Food Boost Mood

Episode 141

Food has a big impact on mood.  Why would that be? How does what you put in your mouth that goes down into your stomach affect all that’s going on in your brain? 

Mini medical school is going to be pretty intense today, so I thought I would turn the science into fiction.  No, I don’t mean the facts aren’t going to be true. I mean, fictional characters. To help you remember, you’re going to need to use your brain, but bring your imagination along too.

Carbohydrates are my dear friends. Well, some of them. You know, In every family, there are those people, you know how some people just make you feel good and others, not so much.

Dorothy is a donut.  We parted ways several years ago, but one day I walked into a meeting and there she was and before, you know, it, I ate the whole thing.  And it didn’t take long that I felt physically and emotionally drained.  But here’s the deal, that period of absence highlighted the contrast of how I feel when I eat good stuff versus pure junk. And maybe you’ve noticed, or maybe you  haven’t and maybe you just feel kind of bad all the time and you don’t really know why. So let’s talk about how certain foods affect mood and why. 

 Food affects mood by altering brain chemistry and hormone levels. Carbohydrates can  give you a real boost. But, their cousins can really bring you down. So let’s talk about the good side of the family first. Food rich in carbohydrates boost serotonin levels.

 The ol’ feel good neurotransmitter serotonin. We’re going to call her Sarah for short. Sarah Tonin affects mood sleep and appetite. She is an intriguing member of the neurotransmitter family who has  a significant impact, both on mental as well as physical health. Sarah is a happy girl because she regulates mood and makes you feel happy and have an overall sense of wellbeing. 

And she’s the one you’ll really miss when she’s not around. You may feel depressed or anxious. And Sarah’s family is a power family. In fact, Mel is another member of the tonin family, Did you know that Sarah tonin is a precursor to melatonin? So think of Sarah as Mel’s mother and you need both of them to get a good night’s sleep, Mel is related by marriage to the hormone family and his presence is highly influenced by light exposure. He regulates the sleep wake cycle. He squirts out of the pineal gland. 

Mel gets up every evening and tells your body it’s night, night time. He stays up most of the night and then he drops off in the morning.  At least that’s how it’s supposed to work. He keeps the bodies internal clock in sync making sure the circadian rhythm aligns with the sleep-wake cycle. And he serves on the antioxidant team as well, combating free radicals and reducing oxidative stress in the body.  To boost melatonin, you can eat things like tart cherries, grapes, nuts.  It’s also important to have good sleep hygiene. 

Let’s get back to Serotonin. Do you know where Sarah lives?  Did you say the brain? Well, I hate to tell you, but 90% of the body’s serotonin  is actually found in the gut, not the  brain. That may surprise you, but think about that gut brain connection.  That’s why upset emotions cause an upset tummy. 

And since her address is in the GI tract, she affects appetite and digestion all the way to the end of the street.  I’m talking about bowel movements. See, now you’ll remember all of this science of the neurotransmitters, Sarah Tonin. Speaking of learning and memory, Sarah affects those cognitive functions as well.

You know, Sarah is the type who can be all work and no play. Because high levels of serotonin can actually reduce sex drive. And that’s why some antidepressants which are called serotonin re-uptake inhibitors can kill your sex drive. It’s a balancing act for sure because you need Sarah to have a good sense of wellbeing, but too much can cause intimacy to take a back seat.  Diet can boost our sense of wellbeing by increasing serotonin levels, particularly foods rich in tryptophan. 

Sarah tends to run away when they’re stress or negative thinking, and that can be a vicious cycle.  Positive thinking and stress management, increase serotonin levels.

Now I’d like to introduce you to another member of the neuro-transmitter family. He is the most likable guy you ever wanted to meet. Dopamine is considered to be the reward neurotransmitter that makes you feel pleasure and motivation and helps with learning too. He’s a standup guy. But we still have to nickname him dope. You see, he has a big role in addiction. 

And when I say he motivates, I mean, he really motivates. It’s even if it’s for another hit of whatever lights you up. Since dopamine is associated with pleasure, it contributes to addictive behaviors. That can be a substance or an activity that is pleasurable. But it drives you to find that pleasure again and again, and that can lead to impulsivity to find more dope at all costs regardless of the consequences. When you participate in the fun and games, whether that’s eating, exercising, hanging out with those you love, Dope is there. He pushes us to take action and pursue goals so we can feel that reward. That can drive us to work harder or it can distort and cause us to go into an endless pursuit. 

Again, it’s a delicate balance. Dope keeps us focused, helps us pay attention. So we learn better and become more productive. He’s like a coach. And without dopamine you’ll feel depressed and anxious. He’s good to have around. Exercise can boost levels as well as sleep. And food can boost production. It’s like a well coordinated family picnic.

And if you think dopamine makes you high, I’d like to introduce you to another member of the neuro-transmitter family. Endorphins, let’s call her Endera. She comes around every single time there is stress or discomfort and tries to knock out your pain. It’s like she wants to be the fixer in the family. She’ll pump you up, make you feel great. She’ll even give you a feeling of euphoria when you exercise intensely. You’ve probably heard of a runner’s high even if you’ve never experienced it. But she also makes you relaxed to fix all that stress and anxiety. She also boost your immune system. So, where is this lovely lady and where can we find her. Like it or not exercise, the more intense, the better. 

Not ready to start running? Well, there’s another great way to bring Endera to the party and I’m talking about a good old belly laugh to crank out endorphins. You see, laughter really is the best medicine and Endera loves her some dark chocolate too, as well as spicy foods that contain capsaicin like chili peppers.  She’ll rush to your side if you get acupuncture because there’s a needle involved and she wants to fix your pain. And even if you’re averse to such things, just turn on your favorite playlist, Endera loves whatever music you love and  that’s why those tunes bump up your endorphin levels and help with mood. Endera the fixer releases endorphins to make you feel good, stay resilient in the face of challenge.

The last member of the neurotransmitter family I’d like to introduce you to is oxytocin. Oxytocin is the love hormone. We’ll just call her O for short, she wants us to stay emotionally connected and she’s a hormone too. She’s the glue of the family. She helps form strong bonds, both between parents and children, friends and lovers. The foundation of any relationship is trust. O brings out feelings of trust and empathy, which is important for social interaction to be more positive and rewarding. She calms us down and reduces anxiety and stress. O plays a critical role in childbirth too. She stimulates the uterus to contract and promote the release of breast milk.. She’s a lover, not a fighter. She likes touch any touch -hugging, holding hands, shaking hands, even a high five. All of those things release oxytocin. And this is going to make all the pooches happy, but petting your dog actually releases oxytocin.

You can boost O levels, by enjoying time with the people you love and having conversations that bring you closer together. Also do something for someone else and you both get a reward. Because doing acts of kindness, stimulates release of oxytocin. Stress tries to steal the joy that O brings. So learn relaxation and stress management techniques to keep her around. 

Now that I’ve introduced you to some of the members of the hormone family. Let’s meet the others. First is cortisol. Good old Cort. He gets a bad rap because you’ll find him wherever there is stress. He’s got a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. He lives in the adrenal glands and he shows up in an instant when he thinks there’s any kind of danger. He is the force behind the flight or fight response. He’s in charge of controlling your body’s metabolism and how fats and proteins and carbohydrates are used. His job also includes regulating the immune system and combating inflammation in the body. He knows how important blood flow is, so he’s super involved in regulating blood pressure and cardiovascular function, so we have the power to run or fight. We need him to survive, especially in stressful situations, but he can be a bit much. Chronic stress leads to persistently high levels of cortisol. Too much of Cort is not a good thing and it’s terrible for your physical health, contributing to heart disease, unwanted weight gain, GI problems, anxiety, and depression. He can wake you up all night long and make you sick by lowering  your body’s ability to fight off infection. He is a great guy and we need him, but a little goes a long way. You can get him to chill out by exercising and making sure you have good quality sleep. Managing him isn’t easy, but intentional relaxation and combating stress settles him down. And if you eat a balanced diet of whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that keeps him from getting out of control too.  And O can help.

So make sure you’re tending to your social life and bonds with loved ones and O would  also like for you to meet another member of the sex hormone family. Estrogen.  We can call her Esther. I’m pretty sure you’ve met her before. And you know how much of an effect she can have on mood as well as energy levels and cognitive function. And when she gets on a roll, it can cause fluctuations in emotions as well as wellbeing. Her main role is to influence the development of a woman’s body during adolescence, then she controls the menstrual cycle during the reproductive years, and then she jumps off a cliff during menopause, but that’s one of those family stories we’ll talk about on another day. Esther can  be moody. I’m talking PMS, peri menopause. And all the things, female, but she’s a protector maintaining bone density and healthy cholesterol levels and supporting cardiovascular health. And she has a twin sister, but they aren’t identical. Her name is progesterone. And we’re going to call her Polly progesterone. She regulates periods and maintains pregnancy. And that’s a lot of Ps.

She also helps balance moody Esther by calming her down and trying to control her mood swings. She promotes better sleep and is just naturally sedating. We like her a lot because she helps maintain skin elasticity.  Now to balance these two wild sisters eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Foods high in omega three fatty acids control their behavior especially well, think flax seeds, chia, seeds, and walnuts. And you can add those to oatmeal and smoothies. Exercise. Is another good way to reign them in. And even if they smell stress, they’ll go crazy and drive you there too. And of course don’t skimp on good sleep because they throw everything out of balance and they’ll eat you alive without good sleep. 

The twins have a brother too, his name is testosterone. We’re going to call him Rone. You probably think of Rone as being a male hormone. And while it’s true that he turns boys into men, he is also found in women, it’s just in smaller amounts. Rone can increase energy, motivation and overall mood. He’s buff, and supports muscle mass and strength and bone density. He can be a lover and a fighter.  It’s important in libido for both men and women.  

And the last baby in the hormone family is insulin.   We’ll call her Sully. She regulates blood sugar, brain function and mood. And she’s tried for years to get along with Dorothy. You remember sweet, sweet, Dorothy.  She makes you crash and leaves you feeling sluggish and irritable.  And Sully is really just a peacemaker, always trying to control blood sugar and make sure it gets into the cells for energy. If Sully doesn’t work properly then the body doesn’t move sugar out of the bloodstream the way it’s supposed to, and then we develop diabetes.  Sweet Dorothy and all of her sugary friends can sneak up on you and ruin your day. But here’s the deal. If you consume sugar regularly, you  might not even realize that sugar and other simple carbohydrates. are what’s causing that quick sugar spike. 

You eat your biscuit  and jelly and it goes up and then you get a sharp drop, then a crash and this rollercoaster of emotions can cause mood swings, irritability and fatigue. We talked about hangry last week.  Not only that, but a high sugar intake can cause increased inflammation in the body and that’s been linked to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. So we can all agree that chronic inflammation is not good for your brain.  Think about some antioxidant rich foods like berries, all kinds of berries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. And remember good old dark chocolate. It’s gotta be at least 70% cocoa to maintain the antioxidant content. 

And then those nuts, like walnuts, pecans, and almonds. As well as spinach and other dark. Leafy green vegetables like kale and Swiss chard, and lots of beans and artichokes for their antioxidant properties. 

These are feel good foods. Unlike Dorothy. Dorothy sugar gives you a hit of dopamine. Well don’t we like that. Yeah, but like everything else, the pleasure is temporary followed by dip, then cravings. And this is why sugar is such a vicious cycle and can be as addictive as any drug. These types of foods aren’t good for you. 

And they’re often nutrient poor. And replacing in your diet, what could be nutrient dense foods. The standard American diet includes a lot  of sugar. And sugar before bed can affect sugar plums dancing in your head because sleep quality is affected in a negative way by sugar too. And that certainly contributes to mood disorders, including anxiety  and depression. But let’s get back to insulin.  Natural ways to increase insulin are a balanced diet with low-glycemic index think fruit. And regular physical activity. improves insulin sensitivity and helps maintain a healthy weight.

Foods high in antioxidants include foods that have omega-3 fatty acids because they combat that inflammation. That’s linked to mood disorders like depression. So are leafy greens, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, berries, dark chocolate, whole grains, legumes and bananas. They’re all rich in vitamins and tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin. 

Remember the feel good neurotransmitter serotonin.  It’s also found in avocados, which contain healthy fats and vitamin B6, which can improve mood and brain function. 

If you didn’t get a chance to listen to last week’s podcast.,I talked about the gut brain connection. You see. What you put in your tummy affects what happens in your head, and what happens in your head affects your mood. 

So eat good food to have a good mood and. And be happy and be healthy because healthy looks great on.     


Why is sleeping so hard?

Good mood foods

Stress management episode

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Mood boosting foods

Foods to boost mood

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Episode 140

There is scientific evidence that food affects mood. You probably know how it feels to be hangry. That combination of hunger and anger can drive you to head to the pantry and grab whatever you can get your hands on. But that sets a process in motion that only makes you feel worse. Instead, replace unhealthy snacks with foods that boost your mood and get double the benefit. 

The health of your gut microbiome influences your mental health. All those bacteria that live in your gut produce neurotransmitters that affect brain health and chemistry. Make sure and eat high fiber foods to promote a healthy gut.

High fiber vegetables include broccoli, carrots, green beans and spinach. 

In one study, people who ate fruit frequently had less anxiety. So try keeping a bowl of berries or grapes out and grab one throughout the day. Start your day with good mood boosting foods. You can add oats, berries, nuts and seeds to a smoothie. Or slice bananas or apples and top oatmeal. Bananas contain tryptophan which is a precursor to serotonin, the happy neurotransmitter.

Throughout the day look for ways to add beans to your food. They’re high in fiber and keep that gut healthy, which helps keep your mind healthy too.

Also add walnuts, they’re great for brain function. Trail mix is a great way to get all these good things together. And the good news is that dark chocolate is full of mood boosters. It’s also calorie dense, so a small amount. Make sure it’s at least 70% cocoa. 

Avoid alcohol, too much caffeine and fried foods. That only makes you feel worse. Instead, plan ahead and keep the pantry stocked with feel good food. 

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For other episodes about diet, click here. 

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Episode 139

Special guest Barb Roose is the author of “Stronger Than Stress: 10 Spiritual Practices to Win the Battle of Overwhelm.” She’s also a speaker,  literary agent, and Bible teacher. According to her website, “She is a real woman who’s experienced deep anxiety, parenting challenges, family addiction trauma, and long seasons of walking by faith in unanswered prayer.”

Lifestyle medicine has six pillars: restorative sleep, nutritional eating, physical fitness, minimizing harmful substances and social connectedness. But when we talk about stress, it affects all of them. It’s an overarching theme to health. 

Barb:  We know that stress is out there and we talk about it openly. “Oh, I’m so stressed.” Like if you talk with people, stress is going to naturally come up. And so there’s this social acceptedness that there is stress. The reason why I wrote the book and the reason why I want to engage in these conversations is because you and  I are aware of the damage.  And so it’s a situation, particularly as women, we just live with stress. And so it is trying to elevate the hidden damage of chronic stress and to convince women not to set themselves on fire to keep everybody else warm.  

The challenge is these days, as women, we want to protect what we love. We want to fix what’s broken. We want to get things on track. I call it the good Christian woman syndrome. We will sacrifice ourselves trying to be everything to everybody.   

We keep little people alive or a spouse.   We found keys every day so that a spouse could get to work.  In some ways, there was a season where so much relied upon us, but there are those practical moments where we have to remember that there is a God. And it’s not us.   

Dr. Vickie: That is so , absolutely true. There is a God and it’s not us. And I think that’s the thing. When we take on all that responsibility, we learn to depend on ourselves  and then we think we don’t need God until our whole lives start unraveling.

Barb: I use spinning spinning plates as a metaphor for  all of the things that we have happening in our lives. And I recognize the reality that there are some of you listening and you’ve  got spinning plates. The big picture of the book. is helping us recognize that God can actually take care of us and our spinning plates so that we can take care of ourselves.  

Dr. Vickie: Practically speaking, how does that play out?  

Well, my favorite chapter title of the book is, “Get Off the Cross, Honey. Somebody needs the wood.” Sometimes we can’t just convince people that they need to change.    They have to feel their need for change.   And what I want to do is create that feel for the need of change by using Jesus’ words in Matthew. And so in this chapter, I cover Jesus’ words and he says, “Come to me, everyone who is weary and heavy burdened.” And, I think that pretty much everyone listening is going to say, yep. I am  weary and heavy burdened. In the original language,  weary was all about feeling like everything was on you. That self-sufficiency, that’s what the weariness is that Jesus was talking about, and then carrying heavy burdens. That is about all of the expectations, all of the duties, all of the to-dos and the do mores. And so if you are exhausted by all of that, overwhelmed, Jesus doesn’t tell you, you’ve got to read your Bible  five days a week. He doesn’t say you’ve got to pray for 45 minutes a day. He says, “Come.” It’s an invitation. And what he wants to give us is rest. He wants to care. The work has to be done, but He wants to teach us how to live in him. So that we let Jesus carry the weight as we do the work of our lives.  

When I think about that verse, like the word picture, Jesus goes on to say, take my yoke upon you. And yoke always felt like this really antiquated word, but yoke still exists. And most of us know that a  yoke is where they have one animal that is  basically harnessed to another animal and the visualization is that there is a more experienced animal that helps teach the younger animal the way to go.

Now, Vickie, I don’t know about you, but when I am left to my own  devices and I’m trying to live apart from God,   I am going to wander. I’m going to stomp on things that I shouldn’t stomp on. I’m going to go too fast. I’m going to reckon the things. And so when Jesus says. Take my yoke upon you.  what Jesus essentially is saying, let me put  my arm around you, around  your shoulder, because essentially stress has us in a choke hold.

It is a choke hold that is strangling us. We are often, Vickie, sometimes we try to run ahead of what God is doing in our lives. Can I get an amen?  

And so Jesus, he’s putting his arm around us and I find it very interesting that on a shirt, the shoulder area of the shirt in construction is called a yoke.

And so Jesus is putting his arm around our yoke and he’s saying, learn from me. Let me teach you. He’s saying, let me teach you the right pace to live. Let me teach you the path  to follow. Let me guide you so  that you’re not trying to run ahead and figure things out on your own.  so Jesus, who has the experience, who is our peace, is teaching us the pace so that we don’t live stressed every day.  

I love that picture of pace because I want to be productive. I want to do things. I want people to be able to depend on me. I want to fulfill my purpose. And it’s just as bad for our health for us to live without intentionality and without purpose. And so the point is not just to say, Jesus, take the wheel. I’m just going to sit back and do nothing. It’s let’s walk this out together.  

We have these things that God has called us to do. We, and women, if you’re, or whoever’s listening, men and women, we  should have purpose. We should have kingdom  oriented goals. We should have people we’re investing with. Even if you’re retired.

I heard this years ago. This amazing story of a man. He was a neurosurgeon and he developed a spinal condition and after like a dozen surgeries, he was medically disabled.  That  man ran Bible study groups, on Zoom people around the world from his hospital bed in his home. So he still had work that he had to do.  We all  have work no matter where we’re at.  

But what Jesus wants to make sure of is that our work is not wrecking us, that we are not running in chaos from sun up till sun down. He wants us to experience his peace.  And the peace is only found in him.  

Dr. Vickie: So true, and peace is really lacking. I feel like so many of us live on a merry go round. And sometimes we’re busy without actually accomplishing anything that is of eternal value.  

Barb: Well, yeah, because the urgent over the important. We’re just playing whack a mole every day, trying to do the to do list. And again, we’re doing it with the best of intentions. But part of why I wanted to write this book on spiritual practices, because  these are the practices that Jesus wants to teach  us so that our days have meaning and value. Because the last thing we want to do is get to whenever the end of our lives are, and us wonder if we made a difference. The way of Jesus is the way to help us make a difference.   

Dr. Vickie: Resting in Him, peace in His methods, and a plan and a purpose  for our lives. It’s all built on trust. I think so many times we think, but this is the way I want my life to go. So I’m pushing, pushing, pushing. When God’s saying, come to me, slow down. That’s, that’s not my plan and purpose for you. And we just, we have to rest in that. We really do. And rest has always been a four letter word for me.  

Barb: There is a spiritual practice. that incorporates rest. But if I can share a personal example, I recently had some blood work done. I’m a woman of a certain age now. I had gone into the  doctor to have blood work done so that I  could start hormone replacement therapy. And so she wanted me to have an extra panel done because she wanted to make sure I had all the options available. This was about a month ago. I go in, I get the blood work done and I, it’s the day before my book party celebration.   So I have four interns who are in town, who’ve flown in, and I’m hosting a retreat for them. It was all planned out. No stress. I had my book launch party at my church that next day, all planned out, interns, no, no stress.  That morning when I woke up the day of the party at 7. 30am, the  first message I had was from my mother, who lives two  hours away, who’s my emergency contact and said, the hospital lab has an emergency phone, they need you to call them. And Vickie, your listeners won’t appreciate this, but you will. It was an emergency because my hemoglobin was only 5.6.

Dr. Vickie: You were running on empty. 

Barb: So here’s the thing, no symptoms.  So at 8 a. m. that morning, I get this phone call that says, You are dangerously anemic. And what are you going to do about it? And I was like, well, okay,  the day goes on and there were things that just kept popping up. One of my kids had a sick dog. Another kid was throwing up in the bathroom. I had signs that weren’t delivered. I had an ex boyfriend  that I hadn’t seen in three years surprise  show up to the book launch party!  And so I share all of this because there are going to be unexpected things that happen.

But what I have learned over the years of the spiritual practices  is what it looks like to keep Jesus’ peace at the forefront of my mind. Now, did I feel Some pressure because I was like that’s a lot to happen to somebody in one day . And  that’s not everything that happened But I learned through the spiritual practices One of the cornerstones in the book is surrender. Most of our stress as women is because we are trying to stay in control of everything .

The title of the chapter is the Surrender Prayer and it’s “God, I can’t. But you can,  and I will let you.” And so I had to really focus on that surrender prayer. And then there’s another practice of gratitude. It’s in the celebration chapter. I want to keep a spirit of gratitude.

I’m not ignoring  everything that’s happening. I hadn’t had a symptom. I had been sleeping fine, working out full energy, all of this. And I was like, Lord, I  have no idea what’s happening here. My body is not doing great, but God, I feel great. And so I practiced gratitude. And so throughout the day, I was incorporating those spiritual simplicity when my day got chaotic. I was like, okay, Barb, let’s stay  focused. You can’t do everything, but if you can  only do one thing, what can that do? And so these practices help us to stay focused on what the most important things are, but we have to learn how to use them consistently over time.   

Dr. Vickie: I would say in advance of a stressful moment, you obviously had some practice using those tools when all of that came at you. And I used to have women all the time that would come to me during their pregnancy and they’re like, oh, I don’t want an epidural. I don’t want an epidural and I was like, then you need to go to the classes.

You need to practice the breathing techniques when you’re not in pain because all that stuff goes out the window the first time that contraction hits and it’s the same thing with our spiritual walk.  You knew, okay, this is what I do. I surrender. I always say the place of perfect peace is the place of perfect surrender and you said that prayer But what I pray is whatever Lord just whatever. You also posted this morning on Facebook  the verse from Isaiah 41:10. It’s one of my favorite verses and the reason is that when I got really really sick  I kept seeing that verse everywhere, but it was out of the message translation and it says in message translation, “Don’t panic!” Our natural response to a stressful event is panic, because like you said, we’re not in control.  

Barb: When I was a pharmaceutical sales rep, one of the drugs that I sold was a very popular antidepressant. And I remember how valuable it was for me to just understand our body’s response to stress. And so I cover that at the beginning of the book,  but I keep it at a very high level, but it is  helpful for me to remember that in my natural state, my body will react to what my brain perceives as threatening. And the way of Jesus,  when Jesus becomes our peace and our perfect peace, we feel less threatened by the world around us. And when we feel less threatened, our body is not going to react into  fight or flight as often. And for me, that  was really helpful to keep in mind, because there are going to be, and hear me, there are going to be situations in life when we should be stressed. If the doctor calls and says that your kid has type 1 diabetes, you’re going to be stressed. And so stress was actually created by God as a protective indicator to tell us that we’re reacting  a certain way to our environment. But chronic   stress, when you’re stressed all of the time, afraid all the time, anxious all the time, irritable all the time, That’s a spiritual issue, because you have what I take from 2 Timothy 1:7, the spirit of fear. When everything is making you anxious and afraid, that is something that Jesus wants you to address. Does that make sense?  

Dr. Vickie: It makes perfect sense to me, and I love the way that fits into lifestyle medicine because we have all of the neurochemicals  that get released. We that fear area of our brain, like the amygdala and all of the neuronal synapses that can actually get wired or rewired because when you’re worried and you’re anxious, you literally create a neural  pathway that’s like a rut in your brain. You just  keep going down that same rut. And so you have to do something to shift that. And we talk about stress management in lifestyle medicine, but there’s no magic wand to make it go away. And even Jesus doesn’t just make it go away. You have to have these spiritual practices to come to Him.  

Barb: Right. And I love that you talked about the neuropathways and neuroplasticity. And so I want to share a story. I was in the eighth grade.

Vickie and I have met, actually Vickie and I have a picture  of us standing together because I am  overly tall, which meant that when I was a kid, they immediately said this girl should play basketball. So I was in the seventh grade. I went out for the basketball team. Partly because I wanted to play basketball, but also because that’s where all the popular girls were at on that team. And I wanted to be popular. So at basketball tryouts, I could run really fast, but, I wasn’t that good of a dribbler and   I couldn’t shoot all that well. So I didn’t make the team. And I’m devastated. Well, the seventh grade coach, her name is Miss Bednarik, still remember her name. She said, Barb, you actually need to be stronger. She said, you’re dribbling skills, you just don’t have good muscle coordination or shooting. It’s  because you need strength. And so she told me when the kids would go to the weight room. And so Vickie that following Tuesday, I showed up at the weight room at my junior high.  I was the only girl in this weight room filled with stinky, sweaty junior high boys. And, this is the eighties folks. We didn’t have great  ventilation. We did not have windows. It was basically boys after school and their Old Spice had worn off by lunchtime.   And have there I was, and I had a choice that that I had to make that day. Was I going to keep showing up? And so I started learning how to lift weights.  As this only girl in these pot bottomed glasses, two giant front teeth, And I am oversized  and I’m there with the scrawny boys and every Tuesday and Thursday. I kept showing up and I had to learn how to lift the weights. And then I would struggle and they would help.

And that is practicing. We’re not going to be good at it at first, but what makes it matter, is that  we keep showing  up.

If you just have one minute to read your Bible then read for one minute. The practice isn’t valid just because you sit there for 20 minutes.  Just do it for 1 minute. If you can pray for one minute,  pray that one minute as often as you can.  God can do something with that.  Other practices are Sabbath.  Maybe you can’t get to taking a whole day but can you take just 2 hours to just sit and  rest? Absolutely. But the most important value of practicing is to keep showing up. And so I kept showing up all that seventh grade year, and I got stronger. And I made the eighth grade basketball team. But more importantly, Vickie, I’ve been lifting  weights since that girl was in the seventh  grade. And now that I am over 50,  part of what the doctor’s office told me when they called me last month,  they just said, it appears that the rest of your overall health is so strong. That’s why your body has been covering for you this whole time. 

Dr. Vickie: Now I can smell that junior high locker room.  That is such a powerful memory. I can smell it from here.   

Barb: I can still smell it. And it’s been 40 years. Whew! It was rough.

Dr. Vickie: I think about the spiritual disciplines, you call them spiritual practices, but  practice always, always, always requires discipline. So I am super excited about your book and I would love for you to tell up our listeners where they can find you, where they can order your book.

And I’m going to look and see if I can find that picture because I’m standing on the hearth, and you’re standing on the floor, and you’re still taller than me, and that’s not saying much because I’m not very tall. 

 Barb: We made quite a sight together. My friends, I have to say, we looked as cute as cute could be, but definitely, one of us is, is, is super  action packed. That’s me saying that you’re short: Action packed. And then one of us is just real, real tall.

There is actually a Bible study that goes with the “Stronger than Stress” book,  I am primarily a Bible study author. So for those  of you who do love Bible study, there is  a six week Bible study with video that you can access. Both book and Bible study are available anywhere you love  to purchase your books and Bible studies. 

You can do them separately, what I recommend is that you get either a book club with some friends, or a Bible study group with some girlfriends so that you can all talk and journey together.   

Dr. Vickie: Yes, there’s so much power in together.  

Barb: There is, there is. And, if women want more information or maybe they just want to check things out, uh, you can check over to barbroose. com. I have a link there where you can check out the book and the Bible study group.   And on top of that, you can actually watch the  first video session, so that you can decide whether you want to share that with some friends and say, Hey, do we want to get a group together and talk about how we can live less stressed with more peace every day?   

Dr. Vickie: That is so awesome. Well, I appreciate you coming and talking to us about stress management. And I think it just fits perfectly with lifestyle medicine. I always say that that’s one that you just absolutely cannot do without Jesus.   

Barb: Amen. I love that wisdom. Love it.

 Dr. Vickie: Wow, what words of wisdom from someone who has such a passion for following Christ. And I hope that that will make you want to dive into God’s Word a little bit more. And if the Bible is unfamiliar to you, take a peek for yourself, because there is a peace that passes understanding, and there is a rest that is possible through Jesus Christ.

And I would challenge you to check it out for yourself and see. But Barb really didn’t tell  you all there is to know about herself. Go to her website.   You’re going to want to know more about her. It’s barbroose. com. I’ll put a link in the show notes. 

 This is an edited transcript of this episode.

Stronger Than Stress Book

Stronger than Stress Bible study

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My personal health journey – a special edition

I’ve been doing this for about nine months now. And I think it’s time that I shared a little bit more about how I got here, and maybe that’ll help you on your own health journey. I’d like to think about where you are now, where you’ve been and where you want to go. So let me tell you where I’ve been.

 I started my OBGYN practice when I was 30 years old. I had a daughter who was just starting kindergarten, and a little boy who was about to turn 2. And my practice ramped up really fast, And back in those days, drug reps often brought lunch to clinic, and they didn’t bring healthy stuff. They brought things like pasta with alfredo sauce, and they brought a lot of cheesecake. And I love cheesecake. Especially turtle cheesecake with all that caramel sauce over it. Mmm.

It’s delicious.  And so every time that they brought dessert, I indulged in dessert. And my life was kind of busy.  I began to gain weight. And I developed migraine headaches. And I wasn’t sleeping very well. And of course you can’t sleep well when you’re an OB doctor anyway, but that’s a different story.

And so I really felt terrible. On top of that, every single time it was somebody’s birthday at the office, we pot lucked and the potlucks weren’t much healthier than the drug rep lunches. And they always included birthday cake because after all we were celebrating. But every celebration isn’t my own special occasion.

But I didn’t realize that. So I just plowed on through and next thing you know,  I gained about 15 pounds. Between ages 30 and 35, I felt worse than I had ever felt in my entire life. And I looked it too. I was miserable. My clothes were tight. I didn’t have any energy. And I just felt bad.

And I discovered a book called, What the Bible Says About Healthy Living, by Dr. Rex Russell, M. D. And so I read this book and it talked about how we should eat things in their natural state. And back then we didn’t really use the term whole foods, but eat food in its natural state. And so what Dr. Russell said is that butter is better than margarine, and that vegetables are better than processed foods, and that things that are refined have lost their nutrients, such as white rice, white flour, and sugar. And so I went on a pretty radical diet and I changed my eating habits completely. And the three things I cut out were white rice, white flour, and sugar.

And not only did I lose the weight, but my migraine headaches went completely away. Now, I wasn’t pure about it. I would obviously indulge every once in a while. And I learned just about how many bites of something I could take before I’d get a headache. So, I would pre decide what I was gonna do if there was a potluck at work.

And there was cake, or there was that turtle cheesecake that I could never resist, and I would tell myself, Four bites. That’s all you get. Four bites. And most of the time I would stick to that, but every once in a while, I’d just finish the whole piece. And you know what? I’d get a migraine headache. And so, that was a good feedback thing for me to say, You know what? That’s a headache on a plate. I don’t even want it. Now, I didn’t follow what Dr. Russell recommended exactly, He recommended very small intake of meat, but I just kind of ignored that part and the dairy part he recommended butter. So I really lathered the butter on and I did switch to whole wheat. I bought a mill and I started milling my own wheat and making bread. 

I discovered a lady named Sue Becker that does bread baking and I had a whisper meal. You just put whole wheat in the top of it and, Grind it up and you get fresh whole wheat flour. And I made bread with olive oil and honey and it was delicious. And so I did that for many, many years and taught my kids to eat healthy.

And I’m so thankful for those foundations because My kids have pretty good eating habits, and I think those early years of us eating more whole food was good, even though we ate a lot of vegetables out of the can. We did, because we were on the go, go, go. But we ate vegetables, and we didn’t eat a lot of junk food.

I followed most of the principles from this book. One of the things he said is that God gave us all of these laws for a clean diet. And then Jesus came and set us free from all those laws, but God knows our body. and he knows how they function best.  And so I followed this diet for many, many years and felt great. I got really fit in my forties and I started exercising after I lost that weight. I felt so good. I wanted to exercise. And so I started cycling and I rode my bike all the time. And then, when I turned 50, my whole world turned upside down.

I developed a rare autoimmune disease called Myasthenia Gravis. And it came on pretty suddenly, and I had a severe case of it. I could walk across the room, but I couldn’t walk very far. And I couldn’t use my arms very much either. And I was very disabled. And to treat me, they put me on a lot of different medications.

I had surgery, I had infusions. And, one of the medications made me severely diabetic, so I was on Januvia, Metformin, and insulin for the diabetes. And, to some degree, I think I thought, well, pfft, I ate healthy all those years, what good did that do me? Now, I only paid attention to nutrition, diet. and physical fitness and I treated rest like a four letter word and I did not sleep and I’m not sure if that contributed to my autoimmune disease or not but there is some data that shows that that is a risk factor

I kinda threw my hands up in exasperation and said well I’ve eaten healthy all these years forget it I’m just gonna eat whatever I want but because of the diabetes I couldn’t do that. Now it was steroid induced diabetes And I was on prednisone, so my face was as big as a moon. I gained about 8 pounds is all I gained, which is pretty good for that high of a dose of steroids.

But it was all from the collarbone up. I mean, it was awful. And to keep my blood sugar from going up too high, I found some things that I could do, like eat nuts, that kept me feeling full, without getting a lot of sugar and unhealthy carbs.

And so I was able to avoid an excessive weight gain on the prednisone. And after I got off the prednisone, the weight came off, the diabetes went away, and I went about my merry way eating whatever I wanted to, because the migraines went away with menopause, and like I said, my health was kind of tanked anyway.

I thought, what difference does it make?  

And then I had some routine blood work done, and it showed an elevated cholesterol, which runs in my family. Everybody in my family has it. I’ve had it since I was in my 20s. And it also showed an elevated hemoglobin A1c. And so when I went to see my doctor, he looked at me and he said, Are you willing to make some radical changes?

And I said, I will do anything to not be diabetic because I knew how terrible I felt when I was diabetic.  And he recommended that I read a book called, How Not to Die, by Dr. Michael Greger. And so I read the book and I started implementing the things that he suggested. And lo and behold, my hemoglobin A1c, normalized and my cholesterol went down as well.

And so a little bit after that, I discovered the entire field of lifestyle medicine and the six pillars, which are nutritional eating, and it is plant based, and physical fitness, social connectedness, stress management, restorative sleep, and minimizing exposure to harmful substances. And so I became board certified in lifestyle medicine in December.

My lifestyle is pretty good; overall I feel pretty good for 60 and I exercise. I have had a few other health scares recently. And so I decided that I was going to get really strict. And you can probably guess that I read a book. Because I always read a book. And so I read Dr. Neal Barnhart’s book, The Power Foods Diet. And I started doing what he recommended in that book, and boom, like that I lost eight pounds. Did I need to lose 8 pounds?

Yeah, I did. I mean, I was pretty comfortable in my clothes, and I had been the same weight for, gosh, so many years. But I had developed some belly fat after menopause, and it melted away in a very short period of time following that diet. And he’s vegan, and there is a difference between vegetarian and vegan.

Vegan is to protect the environment. and to make sure that animals are not mistreated.   And you can eat a vegan diet that’s very unhealthy. You can eat a Pop Tart and that is vegan, but it’s not healthy. Vegetarian means that you only eat vegetables and you don’t eat meat. And I’m not a vegetarian. I eat plant based.

And what that means is I get the majority of my calories from whole foods that are nutrient dense. that are plants.  Do I eat meat? Well, sure. I eat meat, just not very often. And originally, when I started doing this, I was cooking for myself and for my husband. And so, for example, I would make stir fry, and then I would do a little chicken for him to add.

Or, you know, whatever dish I was making, I might do black bean tacos or mushroom tacos, and I’d do a little ground beef for him. And then he said, you know what, I think I want to try one plant based meal a week. And so we started having one plant based meal a week. And then as my cooking got better, because my cooking has definitely got better, in the plant based department.

I learned to make meatballs that don’t have any meat in them and they’re delicious. And so now he said,  you know, I think I could do two nights a week that are plant based. And I never said anything. I didn’t say, Hey, I want you to eat like I’m eating. But I feel really good now. Am I a hundred percent healthy?

I’m not, I have issues, but I want to preserve my health as best as I can as I age.

And I want to feel good and be able to do all the things that I love to do. And so, I hope that this helps you know that you’re not going to do it perfectly. And there’s a lot of conflicting information out there. And one of the things I do on this podcast is try to help you sort through the noise. The podcast is really growing and I appreciate everyone who takes time to listen.

I’m offering a couple of new things. Number one is the Healthy Looks Great On You Lab. Think of the podcast like the classroom, because we always go to mini medical school and learn something.

Think of the Healthy Looks Great On You Lab as the field trip. It’s where we go out of the classroom and actually do things that make a difference, because that’s my goal. I want to give you information and motivation and inspiration to make changes that make a difference.  So I hope you’re on my email list so you get an invitation to the Healthy Looks Great On You Lab.

It’s going to be so much fun. And if you’re like me and you struggle with sleeplessness, I have a webinar coming up that will be free. on sleep. It’s called the Sleep Solution. I’ll put a link to sign up in the show notes. Registration is open now  and I hope you’ll join me for this important information. 

And since we didn’t go to many medical school today, let me take you behind the scenes and on a day in the life of a doctor. Every morning, I got up, got my kids fed, got them off to school, sometimes took them to school, went to the hospital, made rounds, checked on anybody that was in labor or did surgeries that I had scheduled, then went to the office and saw 40 patients a day, and I never got through before 1 o’clock, so when I did eat, I was rushed, I was just cramming something in my mouth real quick, and go, go, go, go, go, until I got off in the evening, and then home to eat dinner.

Then football games to watch my daughter cheer or track meets to watch my son pole vault. Then we’d come home and go to bed and I might get called out two or three times during the night  to deliver a baby.  And we’d get up the next day, whether I’d slept or not, and do it all over again. 

I’ll be honest with you, it’s not an easy life.   But it is so worth it. I always say, nothing compares to the feel of newborn baby feet, except the look in a mother’s eyes when she touches them for the first time.  I loved being an OB GYN doctor, And I got some unique insight into a woman’s soul. 

I consider it an honor and a privilege. And I consider it an honor and a privilege to educate you about lifestyle medicine. I hope you’ll stick with me on this journey. We’re going to have a great time. Sign up to get my emails. Sign up for the sleep webinar.  There’ll be more to come. And I hope to see you in the Healthy Looks Great On You lab. 

Because healthy really does look great on you. 

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How much protein do you really need?

Do you get enough protein in your diet?

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Episode 137

Do you get enough protein? There are protein powders, protein shakes, and protein bars. But how much protein do you actually need? Then there are high protein diets. Are those good for you?  Are you getting enough protein in your diet? Maybe too much stay tuned to find out if you’re getting the right amount.

It seems like we’re just bombarded with this message to make sure we get enough protein and yes, you definitely need enough protein. But chances are you get plenty.  The average American diet is 16% protein. Well, that translates to 80 grams a day. If you follow the recommended 2000 kilo calorie diet. On top of that, most Americans eat protein that is packaged with fat. And that definitely has some negative health consequences. 

Today, we’ll discuss the amount of protein that’s right for you and the best sources

We do need protein if you don’t get enough protein, you can have brittle hair and nails. You can feel hungry all the time or your muscles can be weak. Your immune system can be compromised, so you get sick a lot. You can even have trouble thinking or changes in your mood, or stress fractures in your bones.  

So let’s go to mini medical school for a review course. There are three essential macro nutrients that our bodies absolutely need to function. Fat carbohydrates and protein. And gosh, when I say those three together, I think the protein hype comes in from the bad rap that fat and carbs get. Remember one gram of protein is four kilocalories.  Same for carbs and fat is nine. But you do need all three macros and like everything in lifestyle medicine, it requires balance.  And on top of the macros, there are lots of micronutrients, but here’s the deal protein is never a solo act. I mean, you can’t really just eat a protein. 

Proteins are macromolecules. Well, that just means they’re big old suckers made up of long chains of amino acids, and you may have heard them called building blocks. There are 20 different amino acids and we need every single one of them to live. but your body can make 11 of them. So nine of them are essential in your diet. A complete protein has all nine of them, Most protein in our diets are not complete. But not to worry your pretty little brain about that. We will talk about how to get a complete protein.

Amino acids are kind of like Lego’s, they fit together to make proteins, but unlike Legos, they don’t make you cuss when you step on them. And like Lego’s for mothers of little boys. Amino acids are everywhere and you can snap proteins together to make muscles, hair, enzymes, and antibodies. They break stuff down in chemical reactions in the body and they’re important for DNA replication. 

We need protein for every organ in our body to function like it’s designed the heart, the brain, the skin, the immune system. And it’s especially important for the musculoskeletal system. Adequate protein intake helps build repair and maintain muscle. And that’s not just for bodybuilders who want big ol honkin muscles because as we age. Staying strong becomes even more important. Protein may play a role in appetite control. And that’s why a lot of these diets focus on high protein for weight loss. And we’re going to talk about that in a few minutes. But not getting enough protein can lead to hair loss, skin breakouts and breakdowns, weight loss, loss of muscle mass and weakness.  This is most likely to happen in people with eating disorders or the elderly who have an inadequate caloric intake. Now let’s get to the bottom line. How much protein do you need? 

 You’re going to need to know how much you weigh in order to do the math and the simple answer is that you can multiply your body weight in pounds by 0.36 and determine the minimum number of grams of protein you need. Of course, there are situations where you need more  like how old you are, whether you’re a man or a woman. Your activity level and pregnancy.  Okay, active adults need 0.6 to 0.9.  Older adults need a little more too. They’ve got to maintain that muscle mass. So 0.8 times, your body weight in pounds. And the reason older adults are at such risk again, is because of decreased appetite, decreased calorie consumption, and the importance of staying strong. So you don’t fall, or you can open a jar and all the other things you need to get done in a day. Okay. What about athletes? Well, they do need more. 1.2 to two. So let’s look at that just a little bit different way. And for those of you who are on my email list, I’ll send this out in print because it’s so much easier to look at that way. 

Sedentary adults need 10 to 15% of their calories from protein. Active adults need 15 to 25%. And athletes should consume protein as 25 to 35% of their diet.  And with all the hawking about protein, you’d think we’re all deficient. But on average Americans get  the amount of protein they need. In general, if you’re eating enough calories. You’re probably eating enough protein. Can you get too much? 

Well, yeah, too much isn’t good either. In fact, men aged 19 to 59 typically get more than they need from chicken eggs and of course burgers and the steak.  But what about that meat eating man who pumps iron and sweats on the treadmill, you may be surprised to learn that even athletes do not need a supplement to get enough protein, they need more calories to fuel their workout. But they can get that protein in food. Isn’t that such a beautiful design.  Now I mentioned in kind of a fancy way that protein contains nitrogen. So your body needs fluids to process nitrogen and too much protein can make you dehydrated. It strains your kidneys and people who have kidney disease need to be really careful about finding that balance between not enough and too much.  And protein, especially from animal sources can upset your tummy and cause either constipation or diarrhea. 

So maybe you were worried about getting enough protein and maybe you’re worried about getting too much.  But let’s talk about protein powders that people add to shakes. The most common ones are whey, pea, and soy. And they’re  processed, they’re  sweetened, And they all contain a lot of other ingredients. Whey protein is made from milk protein. It has flavors in it and sweeteners and preservatives and emulsifiers like lecithin and thickeners like xanthan or guar gum. And some of them add vitamins and minerals. 

What about soy protein? Well, it’s made from soy protein concentrate. It has natural and artificial flavors, sweeteners, emulsifiers, like soy lecithin, preservatives, and thickeners, and sometimes vitamins and minerals.  What about pea protein? It’s made from yellow split peas. It also has flavors, sweeteners, emulsifiers, thickeners, preservatives, and sometimes vitamins and minerals.

You know, with all those sweeteners, flavors, emulsifiers, and thickeners, what if you just got your protein from food? Isn’t that a great concept? Now I totally get just putting powder into a shake because it’s faster. It’s easier. And it’s just so convenient. Soon I’ll have a recipe ready for a protein smoothie that tastes delicious and doesn’t have all of that extra junk in it. It’s going to be available through the healthy looks great on you lab. Right now it’s by invitation only. But if you’re interested, make sure you’re on my email list. I’ll open it up soon to everyone. 

 And here’s the deal. Variety is the secret to getting complete proteins. So we always say, eat the rainbow. That means eat food with different colors, oranges, purples, blues, greens, reds, yellows and everything in between.

I mean, who doesn’t love a colorful package?

And that brings me to a term I want to introduce you to. Protein package. Hello protein package, it’s nice to meet you.  Because remember, you can’t eat a protein by itself. So basically, a protein package refers to who the protein is hanging out with. 

Let’s make it specific and go back to that pile of chicken that was on my Korean rice bowl.  One cup of chicken breast has five grams of total fat. Which is another one of the essential macros. 1.4 grams of it is saturated and 1.7 grams is monounsaturated, and 1.1 grams is polyunsaturated.  It has a total of 43 grams of protein. Based on my weight and activity level, that’s about half of what I need in an entire day.

Chicken breast is a lean protein source, so a lot of people eat it on the Mediterranean diet. Now, edamame is made from young, green soybeans. And they are so good for you. And they’re very versatile as well. They have 188 calories. compared to 231 for a cup of chicken breast. They have 18. 4 grams of protein, which is not nearly as much as chicken.

 But I can guarantee you that I’m going to eat more than one time a day,  but here’s the real kicker.  Edamame has 8 grams of fiber. And fiber is super important if you’re trying to lose weight, or you want to maintain gut health. It’s good for your immune system, and your digestive system, and your body in general.

In  fact, edamame is a complete plant protein. Remember, I told you a complete protein has all nine amino acids. And it’s rare to get a complete protein in plants, but edamame is the package that does it. You can add it to salads, you can put it in stir fries, you can put it in soup, you can just eat it as a snack. It also has lots of vitamins and minerals in it like folate, vitamin K, and iron. And for your heart, it contains healthy fats that include omega 3s and omega 6 fatty acids. And those can actually help reduce bad cholesterol levels. And remember, cholesterol is not found in plants and fiber is not found in animal products. 

 If you get most of your protein from animal products, you’re likely getting a lot of fat with it. And we all know that too much saturated fat can increase the bad cholesterol in your bloodstream. That’s the LDL cholesterol. And that can lead to heart disease. Saturated fat also causes inflammation throughout the entire body. And that ups your risk for just about everything. On the other hand, plant based proteins, which come from things like soy or edamame, nuts and seeds and beans and grains, those are lower in saturated fat, but they’re high in the all important fiber, 

Here are some good plant-based sources that are complete as well. Besides that edamame or soy is buckwheat, hemp seed, and quinoa. Look for ways to add these to other things in your diet. I’m going to have more specific information on that in the healthy looks great on you lab coming soon.  

The bottom line is, more protein isn’t better, better protein is better. So we should focus on quality and not quantity. And, we should get our protein from food. Because all of those protein powders that people add, those are considered supplements, and it is big business.  And that’s probably why protein is being marketed to us as if we all have a shortage.  And even if we do, we should get our protein from food. Whole food is best. Now, let’s go ahead and compare plant protein to animal protein. 

Let’s start with animal based proteins. This includes chicken, turkey, beef, pork, fish, eggs, dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt. All of those contain protein.  The most complete proteins come from animal sources. And they’re actually more likely to contain complete proteins because animal proteins have all nine of those essential acids. So that’s a good thing, right?

It is.  And they often have other nutrients like vitamin B12, which isn’t found in plants, as well as iron, which you need to maintain a good red blood cell count and keep from being anemic. As well as omega 3 fatty acids, especially in fatty fish, like salmon. 

Now, the more processed a meat is, the less healthy it is for you.    Red meat is worse than poultry. And all animal protein is packaged with its good old buddy fat, which we already talked about.  Now, comparing that to plant based proteins,

that’s better for your heart. They’re rich in fiber, which we talked about, but what we didn’t mention before was antioxidants. Plant protein sources are excellent sources of antioxidants, and those are the cleanup crew in the body that get rid of cells that can cause damage and disease. They can even lower your risk for heart disease, stroke, as well as cancer.

Now, the problem is, there aren’t too many complete proteins in the plant world. But, I gave you the secret earlier, do you remember what it is? You don’t even have to go to mini medical school, you learned about this one in elementary school.  The rainbow. Eat the rainbow. If you eat a variety of plants, You’ll get all the amino acids that your body needs. 

So, don’t just eat one kind of plant, don’t just eat spinach all day long. I mean, Popeye did have big muscles, but,  you should also eat grains, and beans, and legumes, and nuts, and seeds. 

If you’re eating a completely plant based diet, you  need a B12 supplement, and you do need to be more mindful of your protein intake. Because it’s definitely more of a challenge, especially if you’re active, and I sure hope you’re active.

Before we wrap up, I want to mention one more thing, and that’s timing.  It’s really better for your body to get protein spread throughout the day, ,  instead of eating a big steak for your evening meal, and getting it all at once. Our bodies don’t really store protein. Like they do fat. So you only need as much as you need for one day. 

Generally speaking, you should get about 15 to 30 grams of protein  per meal and spread it out throughout the day. There are some studies that show if you eat more protein in the morning, it decreases hunger and cravings throughout the day and that can help with weight management.

While I’m on the subject, I want to mention high protein diets for weight loss. Studies show that they are effective in the short term. So, think of them as a kickstarter, not a way to live, because in the long run, they’re not good for your cholesterol, and they’re not good for your heart.

If you missed the episode comparing the different diets, I’ll put a link in the show notes to which diet is healthiest, or you can go to my website and search for it.  

The most important thing is, don’t buy into the marketing schemes.   Just make sure you’re getting enough. And remember, if you’re using a protein powder, it’s got a lot of other junk in it, and it’s really considered to be a protein supplement. You probably don’t need it. You need to eat more protein in your food. So let’s look at the top plant foods that contain protein.  One of the highest sources of protein in the plant world is one of my favorites.  Did you say edamame? No, that was a trick question. It’s lentils. Remember, I love lentils. And one cup of red lentils has 18 grams of protein.  In addition to all that fiber and phytonutrients and vitamins and minerals.  And remember, no cholesterol.

Now, edamame is second on the list at 17 grams of protein, and another favorite of mine, black beans, comes in at 15 grams of protein. Moving on down to some nuts, almonds contain about 6 grams, peas are 5 grams, and even a baked potato has 5 grams of protein.  You know what I do?

I put black beans on top of a sweet potato. It’s delicious. I’ll share my recipe with you sometime. Spinach has five grams of protein as well so don’t forget those leafy greens.  Now how does that compare to animal protein? Well, we already talked about chicken and we talked about a cup. But even just three ounces of steak has 25 grams and it has all that cholesterol, saturated fat, and no fiber in it.

Salmon has 20 grams of protein for just a 3 ounce serving, and it’s better than red meat. And an egg has 6 grams, so you can have a cup of spinach, a cup of peas, and get nearly the same amount.  Now, since protein is being marketed to us as if we all have a shortage, let’s talk a little bit more about a comparison of plant protein to animal protein.

There was a study published in 2020 in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine Edition that suggests that where you get your protein really does matter. In fact, they looked at almost half a million people over the age of 50 who got their protein from either plants, red meat, or eggs. And they watched them for 16 years and guess what? People who ate mostly plant protein instead of red meat protein had a 13 to  24 percent lower risk of dying from all causes.  That’s impressive. In this particular study, the effect was even more pronounced on men. For every 10 grams of plant protein they ate per 1, 000 calories in their diet, they had a 12 percent reduction in their risk of death. And if they ate more, likely that number would go up even higher.  

 Remember, better protein is better. Plant protein is healthy.

 And healthy looks great on you.


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